Our work together is based in:
A heart-based, inner approach to personal growth and coaching.
Zen Coaching is a powerful approach to living, with a set of understanding and principles for how to support ourselves and others in coming home to our true nature, grow as human beings and to live and act from that recognition.
The starting point of Zen Coaching lies in our natural wish to be fully who we are, and to be genuine, authentic and sincere with ourselves and others. As a coaching approach it unites the focus on reaching outer goals – a key characteristic of traditional coaching – with a deeper inner focus than what is normally found within coaching.
The approach is built upon basic mindfulness principles, or conscious presence. It is also based on an exploration of limiting beliefs, and on our true inner resources. The main method is the practice of inquiry – an inner, focused exploration based on specific questions and a supporting listening practice.
The ‘goal’ of Zen Coaching is achievable right here, right now – simply by noticing, allowing and fully experience our experience in this moment. There is no need to wait, no need to seek fulfillment in the future. Fulfillment, ease and wisdom is the essence of whatever experience we are having right here, right now.
"Your "self" is not a thing that can be broken or fixed,
you are a beautiful multifaceted unfolding human soul mystery.."
If you come for a session, my role is to be your companion on your journey. Walking beside you as you explore the important questions in your life. There are no stupid questions. There is no question too small or too big. There are no wrong feelings.. or wrong experiences.. it is all welcome. Our work together is based in the principles and practices of Zen Coaching including NVC, as well as Creative Somatic Movement. It is also deeply informed by my work personal work as a student of the Diamond Approach, giving me a depth of understanding that is impacting my capacity to be present with you.
The basic premise in Zen Coaching, is that this in us, that can listen and be present with ourselves just as we are, is our deeper being. As we explore, we come to see that we intrinsically are all the quality of being that we long for. Love, joy, truth, perseverance, trust, connection, intimacy, strength.. are all potentials of our deeper nature. When we reconnect to being inside us, we find inner resources to navigate life from a place of truth and self connection, growing our capacity to be in the world with embodied presence..
Choose what works for you:

Single 1:1 session
I offer single sessions for you who just want occasional support in reconnecting with yourself. You are welcome to be in touch if you face a challenging situation in your life and you need some support in how to deal with it.
1 hour of deep listening can do a lot when we find ourselves loosing connection to what is really important to us..
Singel session price:
1150 NOK / 110 EUR
Zen Coaching Package/
Couples Coaching/
Creative Somatic Movement
I offer packages of 5, 10 or 15 sessions individual coaching, couple coaching or SME sessions.
Get support to connect deeply with yourself. . Meet your challenges with compassion and curiosity, and connect to inner resources that support you to live life in connection to your heart.
Packages come with different % discounts on single session price.
5 sessions 1000 pr session
10 sessions 950 pr session
15 session 900 pr session
Couples coaching is slightly different, get in touch for details.
Companion Program
1:1 Deeper Work Cycles
This is for you who are dedicated to live a life of ongoing inquiry and embodied spiritual unfoldment. You want to go deep and you are in it for the long run..
Get in touch and we design a program for 6 months/ a year of in depth work together.
Get in touch to hear about prices.
I am situated in Nesodden outside Oslo.
I offer sessions online on Zoom to people all over the world, or also live in Oslo or Nesodden.
E-mail: hello@bodymind-inquiry.com
Phone: +47 91244793
Foto: Ingrid Østang >>